You should always seek the advice of your physician before taking any action. You should also find a reputable, qualified hair loss expert who can provide thorough analysis and arrange for transplant surgery to be performed by an experienced surgeon.
A good amount of existing or ‘donor’ hair must exist for you to be considered for transplant surgery. Hair transplantation is more likely to be successful if the thinning occurs in one area, such as the crown. There is a low success rate of re-growth in large areas of total hair loss, so large areas of total hair loss cannot be treated by transplantation.
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A good general health is also required. Under local anaesthetic, hair transplantation is major surgery with an associated recovery period. For the surgery to be successful, you should be fit and healthy, and you should ideally not suffer from any other major medical conditions.
Hair transplant surgery is also associated with age restrictions. Hair transplant candidates should be over 18, but many experienced surgeons won’t perform the operation on a young adult. This is because genetic or natural hair loss is yet to occur and will affect the transplanted hair. Even if you are in your late 20s or early 30s, hair loss can still occur. This means if you undergo surgery, the new hair could fall out and it’s a waste of your investment!
Hair transplants can be performed using new surgical techniques. FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction – entails removing individual hairs from the back of the head and transplanting them. The process is lengthy and painstaking, but the end result is very little scarring and a very natural-looking hairline. FUT – Follicular Unit Transplantation – is another method used in hair transplantation. By taking a large area or ‘strip’ of hair from the back of the head, dividing it into smaller units, and then replanting those units in the bald areas, this technique is performed. A larger area has been removed from the back of the head, so scarring can be more noticeable, but an expert surgeon will minimize incision marks to ensure rapid healing.
Naturally, hair transplant procedures utilise your own natural hair, and regrowth can be expected within 4 weeks after surgery. To protect your newly transplanted hair during your recovery period, you must take great care. As soon as it is deemed safe to resume normal activities, however, the results can be life-changing. Permanent hair transplants give the patient a sense of self-confidence and self-acceptance.
Best Clinic in Belgium
If you are looking for you the Best hair transplantation in Belgium then Bonita Hair Clinic is the right place for you to visit and consult with.
Bonita Hair Clinic, founded by Vedat Aktepe in Istanbul in 2013, provides services in the fields of hair, beard and eyebrow transplantation. Fırat Aktepe is under the management of the Istanbul branch of the clinic and Abdullah Aktepe is in the management of the Bitlis-Tatvan branch. While Bonita Hair Clinic brings people to the look they dream of, its priority is “health”. For this reason, it uses the latest technology products in operations and offers a sterile and safe environment to patients. Bonita Hair Clinic, which closely follows the changing transplantation techniques with developing technology and always adapts to innovation, is in a respectable position in its field. One of the leading names in health tourism. Thousands of hair, beard, eyebrow transplantation has been carried out so far with our expert staff. In doing so, he has developed personalized solutions by considering the client’s request and examining his hair, skin structure and face shape.
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