A RUGBY fan was caught red-handed by his wife after going to a match when he promised he was out Christmas shopping.
London Scottish fan Stuart Atkinson was left red-faced by a cheeky announcer – much to the amusement of his fellow fans.

The announcer informed Mr Atkinson that his wife had tracked him down to the ground using the “Find My iPhone” app, and had arrived to pick him up.
He said over the tannoy: “This is a control announcement. Will a Mr. Atkinson please back to the gantry.
“We have had a call from a very distressed Mrs Nicola Atkinson who has been tracking you on Find My iPhone.
“She said you were going to John Lewis in Kingston. She is on her way now to come and pick you up and take you home.”
The crowd erupted into laughter and fans on social media also found the incident amusing.
One reacted saying: “Hope Mr Atkinson survived the car journey home ”
Another added: “Absolutely outstanding ”
A third wrote: “Our thoughts and prayers are with Stuart at this difficult time.”
And another commented: “Amateur mistake leaving the phone on.”
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