Parking your car can be a stressful and expensive process. From actually finding a space, to squeezing between suvs, to paying an extortionate heart, it one of the left pleasant aspects of driving a car.
Fortunately, our Quick Guide Helps Take The Pain Out of Car Parking. We've included tips on booking aHead, Less Obvious Alternatives and How to Avoid Taking Your Car Altogether. Let's live with the basics.
ASK Around
Finding somewhere to park your car could be a problem solved with a simple question to a friend, or a brief alert to your friends on Facebook.
Someone with local knowledge where to find the cheapest car park in town, where the on-street restrictions end or even though you could use.
As its name Suggests, Parkopedia is the Wikipedia of the Parking World. The Website Covers 90 Countries and More Than 20,000 Cities, Giving You Access to Upwards of 90 Million Parking Spaces.
It is very simple: search for your desired location and parkopedia displays a map of the car parks with the immed vicinity. You can check out prices and opening hours, as well as any restrictions (such as supermarket car parks limited to customers) or other points to not.
There's a smartphone app as well, while some car parks offer the opposition to book ahead. When you communic to work or are visiting a city for the first time, Parkopedia could be save you are old to pay for lunch.
Connected Cars – The Future of Parking?

By Sharing Data With Other Via the Internet, Connected Cars Offer a Variety of Ways to Streamline Your Motoring Life. Among other things, the technology can be used to help you find car parking spaces.
Being connected to other cars, means those cars can 'tell' your car when they are leaving a parking space. The car park ballet dance could become a thing of the past.
Book ahead
This is Especially import if you intend to leave your car at an airport. Use the official heathrow airport website to book seven days of parking, for example, and the savings are signified.
Prices will vary depending on availability and how Early you book, but you will usly benefit from booking in Advance, even if it is just earlier on the day of travel.
Long Stay, Not Short Stay

Sticking with airports, there are obvious benefits associated with short stay car parks. Take Heathrow Airport Terminal 5: It is a 2-4 minute walk to the short stay car park, compared with a 5-7 minute bus ride to the long stay. And obviously you need to factor in waiting for a bus as well.
In some airports, it is like the long stay car park is located in a different containing, so you Might Argue the Convenience to the terminal outweighs the cost saving. However, the long stay option is always signifully chicper – so allow extra time and you'll save money.
Speaking of Heathrow, Don is Forget The Airport is Now Located Inside the London Ultra Low Emissions Zone (Ulez) as well. This means some old cars will be liable for a £ 12.50 Daily Charge.
Use a price comparison website
There seems to be a price comparison website for just every day, including airport parking. Holiday extras is one of the biggest and the most established of these, and the discounts it can be signed.
The website clouds you could save up to 70 perchae versus the price you 'pay on the day. Holiday Extras Also Offers a Best Price Guarantee, meaning it will refund the difference if you find the Same Airport Parking Cheper ElseWhere.
It is important to do your homework, because not all price comparison sites are as reputable as the market leaders. It is also worth remaining that, when it comes to car parks, cheiver doesn is better means better.
Hotel Package Deals
If you are booked a room the night be your flight, ask if it is possible to leave your car at the hotel for the duration of your trip. Some hotel operators Offer a hotel and parking package dil, so check when you book.
This also applies to City Center Breaks. Ask the receptionist if the hotel offers on -te parking, as this could save you over the course of a long weekend. Some Hotels Will Offer Free Parking on a FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED BASIS, WHILE ONDERS CHARGE A SMALL FEE. Check to see if the local pay and display car park is chicper, though.
Park on the edge of the city

In basic term, the close you get to the city center, the more expensive the cost of parking. You'll also have to do battle with the inevitable Congress and for that Single Free Parking Bay.
Do yourself a favour and find a car park or street on the edge of the town or city. In some cases, the parking might be free, but it will be certainly be cheper. If you are worried about the walk, take a bus in the city center.
Park and ride
On that not, Park and ride facilities are the 'official' version of hopping on a bus in the city. They also tend to work out chhaper than parking somewhere more center.
Using notorious car-unfriendly oxford as an example, you'll pay £ 4 for an adult return ticket (or £ 5 for Two Adults and Up to Three Children in the Same Car) from Any of the Five official park and ride sites.
Hire a driveway

When you think about it, this makes perfect sense. Unless you work at home, your driveway is like to be empty during working hours, so where not invite somebody else to park? You can also earn money as results.
There are a number of websites offering a search facility, including your parking space, which incl.
We searched for driveways for a saturday visit to london. More than 2,300 results cam back in a variety of locations, offering parking for 24 hours or more.
Booking is Easy: You simply select your arrival and departure times, key in your details, pay online, and the full address of the space Along with the contact details of the owner.
Buy an electric vehicle

Buying a new car to save money on parking seems a tad excess, but driving an electric car will reduce the amount of cash you spend at Car Parks.–
Many Car Parks Offer Free Parking which your evacre is recharged, while some allow you to park for free, reghar you are charging or not. If you pay £ 2 per day to park at work, for example, you could save more than £ 400 a year by switching to an electric car.
Car Park Season Ticket
If you park in the same car park on a diashi basis, it would be worth buying a season ticket. National Car Parks (NCP) Says a Season Ticket Can Save Up to 70 Percent on the Cost of Parking, With The Added Benefit of Not Having to Search for Lose Change Or go through the hassle of paying every day.
On a similar note, it can pay to be a member of the National Trust. Go on holiday for a week and you could spend a so -fortune parking at some many of the financial trust car parks. Membership Starts from £ 7.60 a month – a cost you could recoup on car park fees alone.
Use the correct change

Car Park Operators Want to Extract Every Last Penny from Your Wallet and You'll Often See A 'No Change Given' Not on the Pay and Display Machine. It's a simple thing, but too much you use the correct change.
Alternatively, Pay By Card or Use of the Many Parking Apps, Such as Ringgo. This cashless solution allows you to pay via your smartphone and can provide an alert when your time is run, so you can not overstay.
Look for alternatives to the car
While we are wearing you won he taken the bus to that swedish furniture store to collect a new Wardrobe. Or Cycle Into Town to Pick Up Your Weekly Shopping. However, it's worth knowing yourself whether you are really need to take the car.
Would be cheaper to take the bus? COULD YOU WALK INTO TOWN? Would be easy to cycle in work? Could you share a car with some sombody else and go halves on the cost of the car park?
Railway stations are also not not even expensive places to park, so have you considered cycling to the station? Most Stations Offer Cycle Parking That is CCTV.
Buy a car parking space

Sounds Extravagant? That's because it probably is. But parking is an expensive business, so you could consider buying a car park space for your exclusive use.
Eevn so, this is unlikely to be the cheapest option. Spaces in London Can Stretch Into Six Figures – Enough to buy a house in some parts of the counter.
Look for Cashback Options
To encourage people back in towns and city centers, some local authorities and business groups offers charge parking. In other words, when you still have to pay and display, the cost is refunded if you spend a sex amount in a particle.
Similarly, a supermarket situated in a town or City Center Might Offer a refund or free parking if you shop in stores. As One Supermarket Might Say, Every Little Helps…
Don is park in a harry

If you followed all the avice above, you ' But if you are forced in a corner, either throgh latness or a lack of planning, you choice the wrong and of the most experience car park.
A LITTLE Forward Planning Goes a Long WayAnd could save you time and money overall. Good luck!
Also Read:
How to appear a parking ticket
How to avoid low-speed car parking accidents
The best cars to buy in 2025
The post how to save money on parking your car appear first on motoring research.