Vera C with the world's largest digital camera. Rubin has been installed in the Observatory. Astronomical events will be monitored by this camera. The zoom of this digital camera is so high that distant planets and galaxies can also be seen. This digital camera is also known as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST). This is the largest digital imaging device ever that will be observed in detail the sky towards the South Pole for the next 10 years.
Will record the time break of the universe
This big LSST camera has been successfully installed on the Simo survey telescope. It will be finalized shortly. After this the observatory will be fully operational. The installation of this large digital camera has been provided by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Energy (DOE). The purpose is to record the time break of the universe.
Vera c. According to Rubin Observatory, this LSST camera will survey the entire sky in a few nights and capture high-resolution images. The zoom of this camera can be estimated from the fact that 400 Ultra HD (UHD) TV will be required to display the image taken by it. With this ability, this digital camera will be able to capture images of Supernova, asteroid and beating stars. This camera can give a new direction to record astronomical events.
Let me tell you that America's Vera C The Rubin Observatory is named after the astronomer Vera Rubin. He found out by research with his colleague Kent Ford that galaxies were not moving at the expected speed by the rules of gravity. This indicates that a dark matter influences these galaxies. This digital camera will also help measure the effects of the dark matter present in the Galaxy.