The East of England covers a huge and varied landscape, from the commuter towns to the north-east of London to the vast open spaces of the Cambridgeshire Fens. The East of England provides both easy access to the capital, and an escape from its hustle and bustle to an altogether more relaxed way of life. Start your search with our ranking of the best new build homes for sale in the East of England.
New build homes for sale in the East of England: Highest rated developments
Our ranking of the East of England’s top 10 new build homes for sale is below. Verified residents have rated the region’s new build developments on a variety of factors, so HomeViews can provide rankings based on the real life experience of living in each one. Take a look below to see the best new homes in the East of England.
*PLEASE NOTE these rankings take into account how many reviews a scheme has and how recently those reviews have been submitted, so may not match the overall star ratings shown. Buildings with a larger number of more recent reviews are given a greater weighting to reflect current building performance – as on our area guide pages.
Is the East of England a good place to live?
With picturesque rural scenery, historic towns and cities and beautiful stretches of coastline, the East of England has plenty to offer, and a location to suit every budget. In Norwich and Cambridge, the region has some of the UK’s most popular cities. There are also a number of popular towns within easy reach of London for commuting.
The great outdoors is one of the region’s most appealing draws. There’s so much open countryside and spectacular coastline within easy reach of London. The East Anglia counties of Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk are largely rural landscapes. Once you escape the suburban sprawl around London, you’ll find mile after mile of rolling farmland and picturesque villages.
East Anglia features some of the country’s most stunning coastline. The Norfolk and Suffolk coasts are designated as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Popular seaside towns include Essex’s Clacton-on-Sea, Southwold in Suffolk and Cromer and Wells-next-the-Sea in Norfolk. The region also includes the beautiful Norfolk Broads, a well-loved destination for relaxed river trips. The vast woodland expanse of Thetford Forest is another natural playground to explore – it’s the location for one of England’s most popular Center Parcs sites.
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East of England towns and cities
If you’re a city dweller at heart, the good news is the East of England provides a wealth of options. Cambridge, with its historic streets, magnificent cathedral and world-renowned university, is a jewel in the region’s crown. Norwich has a reputation as a friendly, laid-back city and is regularly cited as one of the best places to live in the UK. Ipswich, Peterborough, Colchester and Chelmsford are also thriving, bustling towns and cities with excellent transport connections.
Are you looking to escape London but still need access to the city for work? The good news is it’s possible to commute to the capital from much of the East of England. You can reach Central London from Cambridge and Peterborough in under an hour by train. Additionally, the likes of Luton, Harpenden, St. Albans and even Chelmsford and Southend-on-Sea are squarely within commuter territory.
East of England property prices
Property prices vary greatly across the region, with the average price of a property in the East of England at 398,000, according to Zoopla (March 2024 figures). This is higher than the average property price in England, which is £302,000, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). Flats in the East of England sell for an average of £225,000, while detached houses are available for £560,000.
According to the ONS, house prices in the East of England dropped by 3.8% between January 2023-2024. However, this is a market correction after several years of historically high levels of price growth (10%+). Therefore, the small dip in prices recently does not change the affordability level of properties in the region a great deal.
Across the region, there’s a great deal of variation in property prices too. Prices are generally the highest in the sought-after commuter towns within easy reach of London. Harpenden in Hertfordshire averages a lofty sale price of £882,000. The historic city of Cambridge remains one of the most popular places in the region, and averages a price of £568,000. However, properties in Norwich or Peterborough average a much lower £280,000 and £242,000 respectively.

The East of England’s rising house prices suggest a growing interest in the region. People are starting to wake up to the attraction of this beautiful corner of England on the doorstep of London. New build developments have been springing up across the area in recent years. This reflects the growing demand, with developers making the most of the region’s wide open spaces and popular cities.
We hope our top 10 new builds for sale in the East of England has given you plenty to think about. If you’re interested in moving to this beautiful region, check out our area guide below for more information. From there, you’ll also be able to find all the latest new build developments in the area.
HomeViews provides verified resident reviews of the UK’s housing developments. We’re working with developers, house builders, operators, housing associations and the Government to recognise high performers and help improve standards in the built environment.