In the realms of Business and E-commerce, Gloria Ochelli has become a rather formidable contender. Her bold strategies and careful investments have borne fruit in the form of a 7-figure business portfolio.
While many of her successes can be attributed to a sharp mind and quick whit, smarts and intelligence do not an intrepid businesswoman make. We must also take into account the variety of life experiences that have led her to this point. Having moved to Scotland from Nigeria in her late 20s, Gloria first was made to adapt to a new working environment while also trying to start a family. Despite these and some other personal and financial challenges, Gloria still made the transition to a career which gave her more control and autonomy. She has, however, explored other avenues and opportunities for employment. With an initial degree in Statistics and Computer Science and then another in Nursing, Gloria has worked both as a Data Analyst and Nurse. Having tasted two very different sets of working conditions and environments, her career change would have certainly been a well-informed, if not entirely easy one. This experience brought Gloria to a crossroads, wherein she faced the same age-old question as many others; Would it be better to stay within steady employment or venture into the unknown? Gloria took that gamble and it paid off in such a big way, she is now in a position to offer guidance, advice and support to other aspiring entrepreneurs.
A cursory glance at her website will reveal a deep-seeded desire to raise more leaders and luminaries like herself. She has created several avenues with which people can contact her, work with her and receive direct coaching from her. This does make one wonder where such an ardent passion comes from. The answer may have just arrived in the form of her new book, `Wake Up Your Inner Boss`.
Gloria’s new book seems to primarily focus on explaining and detailing many of the methods she used to build her businesses to where they are today. However, it would appear that this book won’t be your average business manual, how-to or guidebook. Not only will the reader be able to follow this astounding success story from where it truly began, back in Nigeria, but we may also come to better understand just what it takes to start, run and grow a business successfully. Many readers might find it particularly enlightening to learn of the multiple challenges Gloria has faced and how she was able to grow from them and push past them.
Gloria Ochelli’s book, `Wake Up Your Inner Boss` will be released on the 4th of March on Amazon and other platforms. It is sure to be another powerful investment on her part into the lives of others, as well as a very wise investment for all those who choose to read it.
You can connect with Gloria on her Website, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to find out more about what she’s up to.